Wednesday 1 August 2012

Another Month On

Another month on and I hate every street runner I see feeling cheated of my goal.
Both achilles still hurt regularly and I've no idea when the confidence will return to try running.
By now I expected to be taking part  in regular 5k Park Runs and moving to 10k/hr pace over half distance.  I am so gutted I can't express it. I feel for the first time that age has defeated me and it is depressing in the extreme.
I did see my osteo' again and didn't get a bollocking, in fact, he thought I was progressing well. The definition of progressing well is that I may be sort of sympton free by around Christmas though not fixed.
Ab Fab delivered the phrase that best sums up my current feeling with respect to my 60@60..... Buggery Bastard Bollocks!