Saturday 27 October 2012

Ups and Downs follow Ups and Downs

Went for our first walk with any decent incline last weekend, a lovely 6.5 miles near Labybower Reservoir on a stunning blue skied October day amongst beautiful autumnal colours.
Only 500ft ascent but all in one section and quite taxing, didn't hurt at the time but the next day I had real pain in left calf at the top of the tendon and the tendons themselves were touch tender. By the end of the day, my left knee was killing, largely, I think, as a result of walking oddly because of the tendons but I've also a vague memory of banging it which may be relevant. Somewhat panicked at this stage and once again, very down.
However, day by day over 3 days improvement was massive. When Thursday arrived, I didn't dare go near the treadmill but went for a swim and did some under water peddling which seemed to help the knee immensely.
Now, a week since the walk, things feel almost back to where they were so maybe a lot was muscle and stretch; I hope so. My calf stretching exercises this week pull a lot more but again show ongoing progress.
Off to Scotland for a few days now and most walks from where we're staying are severe gradients so we'll see what the week brings. I think I'll be searching out some old railway walks in the valley.

It's now 6 months since my over enthusiastic and injuring first run which feels like an eternity. 7 months to the Great Manchester Run, I wonder whether I'll make it, I hope so.

Friday 19 October 2012

Treadmill and Not Listening

A little over a week ago, I tentatively approached the gym with my payasUgym voucher on my 'phone. The chap on reception showed me around and gave me an intro' to the treadmill. I had explained my situation intending a very gentle re-introduction after torn tendons so it was the treadmill and the pool that I was interested in.

One thing he advised was to adjust the elevation on the track as running on the flat didn't prepare well for a later transition to outdoor running and wasn't good for posture and heel impact. I should have listened better because both runs so far have been at 4.3 which, having researched a little, I gather 1-2 is considered equivalent to outdoor running and 4 is moving into hill running. Next time I'll lower it. Bad mistake really as the gradient will have added to the tension on the achilles which I am supposed to be keeping low at this point. I vaguely recall that he told me 1-2 but I forgot.

I started the treadmill on Quick Start with intent of doing up to 6 cycles of 1 min run / 1 min walk. I thought I'd do 5 min walking at 2.5mph to warm up and get the feel of the rolling track then raised the speed to 5mph. After 1 min I dropped to 2mph as I wanted easy walk and thought the 2.5 probably a little high then up to 4.5mph as the 5mph had felt risky on the achilles. After the 3rd run period, the treadmill announced a cool down period; I hadn't worked out that Quick Start is a 10min session. As it was, I was quite glad that it had forced me to stop before I pushed further than I should.

They also have a 20m pool so my run was followed with a swim. I did about 20 lengths, didn't count but I probably pushed the effort a little which was far from resting the achilles. After that I headed to Tesco's to do a full weekly shop with trolley and by the time I was in the car I was aware of achilles discomfort.

The next few days I had occasional stinging inside tendons and some tenderness in the left. I initially found myself hobbling for no apparent reason, I think fear was the most likely after so many months, panic at any reaction and disappointment that all was not perfect.

A week later I felt I should risk it again but remain at a similar level. This time I knew the sequence and did a similar but more controlled pattern as the previous week followed by a deliberately gentle few lengths of the pool and avoided any taxing activity after ward.

I have the same feeling of having to be careful but for no definite reason. I can feel post activity tensions and tingling in muscles and tendons but I think mostly from unfamiliar activity.

Assuming the next week goes OK, I plan to return again but to experiment with a slightly longer exercise with the elevation reduced to a more appropriate level.

Thursday 11th October
elevation 4.3
10 min:
5 @ 1.5mph
1 @ 5 mph
1 @ 2 mph
1 @ 4.5 mph
1 @ 2 mph
1 @ 4.5 mph
cool down:
3 @ 2 mph
0.4 ml
Swim: approx 20 lengths
Thursday 18th October
elevation 4.3
10 min:
1 @ 1.5mph (2.4kph)
4 @ 2.5mph (4kph)
1 @ 4.5 mph (7.2kph)
1 @ 2 mph (3.2kph)
1 @ 4.5 mph (7.2kph)
1 @ 2 mph (3.2kph)
1 @ 4.5 mph (7.2kph)
cool down:
3 @ gradual reduction from 4.5 to halt
0.4 ml (0.64 km)
Swim: approx 12 lengths

Thursday 4 October 2012

Fab and Glowy

It was osteopath day today and it's looking good.
After examination he described my progress as "Fab"! He can still feel damage in the presence of a few nodules in the left tendon and the right is still thicker than it should be but he was very pleased with my condition.
I discussed my thoughts of getting some gentle runs in on a treadmill soon and he said, Yes, I don't see why not, but give it a couple of weeks. My payasUgym voucher expires 28th October so it will be before then.
After manipulation and laser treatment I had a soft glowing feeling in those areas which is matched by the warm glow of hope inside my chest that 60@60 may be a reality after all.