Saturday 16 April 2016

2016 - Here We Go Again; I Seem to Be Hooked

2015-2016, A Year of Prevarication

Inconsistent Training
The chart below is from Runkeeper and shows my running activity through the past 12 months. After my 2015 Great Manchester Run I had a few bursts of activity in early summer before 5 months of nothing. I was active, just not running.

I tend to be better at getting out running in winter and around October decided I should get sorted and join a gym again. Having suffered from Achilles problems, the treadmill gives a predictable footfall and ability to immediately stop which are both useful when restarting running after a gap. PayasUgym had a presence nearby with treadmills and a 25m pool which I had used for 3 months previous years in parallel to road running but when I called them they had ceased the 3m membership and I'm afraid I'm not investing in a year which I'd only use 3 months of. At that point my resolve failed me and I put off getting out onto the road.

More Excuses
November brought builders into the house and all the disruption that accompanies house alterations. I have to admit that I didn't get out largely because I was embarrassed to put my gear on and go for what would be a short shuffle. I am embarrassed that I was embarrassed; I'm a grown man for goodness sake.
Around Christmas, I resolved that I would get myself going in January; not as a New Year resolution, just after 'normality' returned. Normallity did not return as the builders were still with us to the end of February... and I injured myself.

Injury Without Even Running
I'd been sitting watching Christmas TV when I got up from the chair to feel a 'crack' on the inside of my right ankle. I hadn't twisted it and to this day I don't know what happened. Over a few days I had problems walking down stairs in the morning and I was resting it and wearing compression bandages for some time. It was around 8 weeks before it felt safe to jog gently with strapping but thankfully it seems to have healed.
Though I still get an occasional burning sensation under the bony protrusion on the inside of my ankle, I am now back to being more concerned over the chronic left Achilles problem so I guess back to normal.

2016, Here We Go Again

I really needed a goal to get me going and I have often thought how much I enjoyed the Manchester 10k. I thought of registering but wanted to check I was going to myself training first. The builders were finally gone and my excuses drying up and I finally doned the uniform of the urban jogger and forced myself out of the door. (Back door; I still felt embarrassed so avoided time spent locking the front door in full view of neighbours).

I Finally Hit the Road
6th March and I got myself out. Meagre stuff, I ran and walked alternate 2 minutes delivering a mere 1.67km over 11 mins. OK, this seems pretty pathetic but with past and recent injuries I was being ultra cautious.
Over the next days I got in another 3 runs, up to 2.6km, still walk-run alternate.
Injuries seem fine, just minor discomfort and the good news is that all the rest up due to the ankle seems to have helped the hamstring which was bugging me last year.

2016 Entry Confirmed
17th March and my resolve is back and the embarrasement abating. I have built my training plan spreadsheet which covers 11 weeks from my first outing leading to the 2016 Great Manchester Run on the 22nd May.

Man With a Plan, and It Feels Good
I have a plan and a fixed goal - so I have something to stick to and apart from that, I am LOVING being out on the streets again.
When you are a kid you just run around madly because it feels good. I'm not sure when you lose that but I certainly feel it again when I get out there.

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